The Correlation Between Nutritional Status with the Age of Menarche at Teenage Girls in Barengkrajan Village
nutritional status, menarche, teenage girlsAbstract
Menarche is the first menstruation experienced by woman. There are many factors that affect
the age of menarche, one of them is nutritional status. The purpose of this research was analyzing
the correlation between nutritional status and the age of menarche in teenage girls in Barengkrajan
village. This research is using an analytical design with non experimental research by using cross
sectional study. The subject was 62 teenage girls in Barengkrajan who is 12-14 years old and already
got menarche. The data was analyzed by using chi-square test. The result is 54% teenage girls in
Barengkrajan village have had menarche in upnormal age and also having upnormal nutrition status,
while 74% teenage girls in Barengkrajan village have had menarche in normal age and also having
a normal nutrition status. Based on chi square test, the researcher got p value=0,031, so p value<0,05,
Ho rejected and it means that there is a correlation between nutritional status with the age of
menarche in Barengkrajan village. This research is in line with the other research. Teenage girls who
have a higher Body Mass Index (BMI) were having an earlier menarche, while teenage girls who
have a lower Body Mass Index (BMI) were having a late menarche, so hope the family can support
teenage girls for having a good nutrition in order to have a normal status of menarche