Anxiety and Sleep Quality among Medical Workers in Harjono S Hospital


  • Dian Afif Arifah Universitas Darussalam Gontor
  • Ratih Andhika Akbar R Universitas Darussalam Gontor
  • Rindang Diannita Universitas Darussalam Gontor


anxiety, sleep quality, health car workers


Anxiety rate is widely increased and has become the most common symptom experienced by medical staff
during the COVID-19 pandemic since the end of 2019. Recent data referred that more than 50% of medical
staff experience moderate to high levels of anxiety. Sleep quality is variable that is highly associated with the
human physical condition including anxiety. A person with good sleep quality is less likely to feel stressed,
anxious, depressed, or experience physical fatigue. This study aims to determine the anxiety level among
medical staff based on their sleep quality.
Forty-eight (48) medical staff were involved as respondents in this study which was taken randomly using a
simple random sampling method. The independent variable is the sleep quality index (SQI), which is
measured using the Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) instrument. While the dependent variable is the
depression score which is measured using the Zung Self-rating Scale (SAS) instrument. Comparative
analysis was used to compare anxiety scores within 2 groups based on SQI categories using an independent
t-test test using 95% of Confidence Interval (CI).
Comparison test between 2 groups of sleep quality shows a significant difference (p-value/sig. 0.20) with a
mean difference of 5,78. Based on the maximum score of anxiety, it can be concluded that HCW with good
sleep quality has a 7.35 % lower level of anxiety compared to those who had worse sleep quality.


