Sleep Quality in Teenagers


  • Salsabila Paramitha S. Putri Politeknik Kemenkes Surabaya
  • Nikmatul Fadilah Politeknik Kemenkes Surabaya
  • Siti Nur Kholifah Politeknik Kemenkes Surabaya
  • Suriana Politeknik Kemenkes Surabaya


Sleep quality, Students, Sleeping disturbance


Individuals need adequate sleep to maintain their optimum health. Students are the
population at risk of sleeping disturbance for many reasons. The purpose of this study
was to describe the sleeping quality of students. The study used descriptive design
through cross-sectional approach. The study was conducted in GIKI 2 Junior High
School in Surabaya. Samples of 95 students at 7th level were taken by consecutive
sampling technique. The variable was the sleeping quality of students. The data were
collected using Pitssburgh Sleep Quality Index. The data were presented in the tables of
frequency. The study found that 24 (25%) of the student have good sleep quality, and 71
(75%) of the students have poor sleep quality. The contributing factors to the poor sleep
quality of the students are the overload of activity at school and the addiction to online
games. Parents are required to monitor their children when engaging with online games
while schools need to provide counselling and guidance to their students.


