Study of Determinants of Contraceptive Use, Maternal and Child Health Services on the Risk of Stunting in Central Kalimantan Province


  • Yena Wineini Migang Politeknik Kemenkes Palangka Raya
  • Cia Aprilianti Politeknik Kemenkes Palangka Raya
  • Nurolijah BKKBN Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah
  • M Dawam BKKBN Pusat, Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kependudukan (PUSDU)


Contraception, child health, stunting, IDHS 2017, maternal health


Stunting has a risk of morbidity and mortality, this will be a problem when Indonesia
faces a demographic bonus in 2038. Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS)
in Indonesia in 2017, the percentage of babies born less than 2.5 kg or Low Birth
Weight (LBW) at the age of mothers 20-34 (6.9%). The 2017 IDHS for Central
Kalimantan Province is above the national percentage for LBW at maternal age 20-34
years (9.4%) and maternal age 35-49 years (11.2%). Data from the Badan
Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional (BKKBN) Representative for Central
Kalimantan, the highest percentage of the use of this type of contraception is injectable
contraceptives (60%). The purpose of this research is to see the relationship between the
determinants that cause the risk of stunting. This study uses secondary data from the
women of childbearing age IDHS of Central Kalimantan Province in 2017, the research
subjects were 221 children born from 2012 to 2017 along with mothers of toddlers.
With purposive sampling, only children whose weight and body size were listed would
be research subjects. Using chi square analysis with alternative fisher exact test. The
results showed that there was a relationship between the reasons for stopping alcohol
and the baby's birth weight 0.034 <0.05; there is a relationship between age at first
marriage with baby's weight at birth 0.002<0.05; there is a correlation between parity
and baby's weight at birth 0.014<0.05; and there is a relationship between the place of
delivery and the baby's weight at birth 0.016 <0.05. There is a relationship between the
reasons for stopping alcohol and the baby's body size at birth 0.000<0.05; there is a
relationship between the measurement of maternal weight gain during pregnancy with
the baby's body size at birth 0.000 < 0.05; there is a relationship between receiving
hepatitis B vaccination at birth with the baby's body size at birth 0.014. Socialization
and monitoring of the availability of MKJP contraception to increase coverage, but also
look at the needs of acceptors when choosing contraception. Maximizing genre
ambassadors in BKKBN to be able to approach teenagers through social media,
discussion forums and others, so that teenagers who decide to marry young can be
reduced. Coordination with regional leaders to make policies not to marry according to
religion or custom, children under the age of 18, and provide clear sanctions. Research
can be continued by analyzing the role of schools through adolescent reproductive
health programs to assist adolescents to avoid teenage marriage.


